Tuesday, February 16, 2010

One week since surgery and I feel like sitting at my computer for a few moments.

As Brian told you in his entry, the surgery went very well, better than expected I'm thankful to report. I spent two nights in the hospital, coming home last Thursday evening; since that time I have spent my time either in my lovely bed or on the couch in the living room enjoying drug induced sleep. My every need being met by my family or my friends; what a blessed woman I am.

Today is my first day cutting back on pain medication; from Oxycodone four times a day to two times a day substituting Tylenol and have had good results---hooray!! My neck feels very good, no more sharp, excruciating pain, just a dull ache that will go away in time as it heals.

With less narcotics I can enjoy more of the Olympics----:) ok so I have to watch the reruns to see what I missed the first go round; sleep is just more fun right now.

Thank you to my dear TT friends and my dear CM&A friends, my neighbors and community friends for all your love and support; we couldn't manage as well without you.

Headed back to my couch for now but will update more tomorrow.

Blessings, joy, and much love to you all,


You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.
Acts 2:28

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