Saturday, February 20, 2010

First day out

What a beautiful Saturday on Whidbey Island; bright with sunshine and lovely signs of spring evidenced in the arrival of daffodils, crocus, and flowering cherry trees. Yep, my first day out of the house since February 9th and oh how I enjoyed the surrounding beauty; when you've not been outside for a while you do appreciate God's creation even more.

As many of you know, I believe it's important to take care of the body so today I met with my massage therapist to help rid the after affects of being on an operating table, the anesthesia and narcotics from my muscle tissue. A massage just really helps after lying around like a toad on a log for a week and oh did it feel good to have nurturing hands work out the knots and toxins. Needless to say, I'm came home after and was a major log sitting toad; I actually slept for three hours, awwwww, heaven on earth.

I am progressing very well, lying low, listening to my body and the still small voice in my head that keeps reminding me to "do nothing". Strange but true, I'm listening to that voice being a model patient; I want to heal well this time and if it means doing nothing for awhile, so be it.

Brian returned from Alaska after a week of business there; he was glad to come home and find that I had been so well cared for; thanks to all who checked in on me, spent time with me, and basically filled the gap for us. We are so grateful for each and everyone of you.

A quiet morning with a loving God puts the events of the upcoming day into proper perspective.

And what a wonderful day it was today!!!


  1. Dear Kathy: I am so happy that you are doing so well! but, most of all, I am thrilled to hear that you are listening to that "small voice". Kathy your gift is encouraging others. Let the rest of us do the grunt work while you sing our praises! I love you and may you continue to heed that small voice. That voice will lead you into full recovery!


    Sandra Taylor

  2. Love you to the moon and back my KK...glad to hear you are being a model patient =) I'll continue to continue to be a good girl!
    Hugs all around! T
