Friday, June 4, 2010

Bone Cells still growing --slowly---but growing!

It's hard to believe another six weeks has gone by and it was time for another bone cell check up today.

I have to admit that I was not looking forward to going today because I was afraid things weren't going well due to the increased pain at the surgical site and increased nerve pain in the arms and neck since my last visit.

Your mind plays nasty tapes when you have pain and with my track record for poor healing I was less than optimistic, fearing cell death and even worse, another ruptured disc. My pain levels had really escalated to the point where I had to start taking pain medication again---- BUT!!!! , this time the pain is NOT related to any of the above!!! PTL The doc's not sure why my pain is up, but he is guessing that my increased activity is moving the screws and plates where the bone cells are not very dense yet. The cells are accumulating on one side of neck, moving right to left so the left side is weaker and allows for more compression on the nerves causing pain. He also believes some of the nerve issues are related to scar tissue forming around the nerve openings in the bone. Makes sense to me after seeing the ex-rays----well, at least it is something to be encouraged about; nothing serious, just "growing pains"! (couldn't resist the pun---sorry :))

So the plan now is to continue to be careful with activity but to pick up work with my arms to help break up the scar tissue and to add some nerve relief with a nerve quieting drug. As most of you know I'm not crazy about taking any drug, but I don't seem to have any alternatives after trying everything else to make them happy.

All in all it was a good report.....the best one I've had in two years!! PTL for small miracles! I'm thankful for all my medical team has and is doing to help me and for all of you who are my prayer warriors! I am a blessed woman!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bone Cells Are GROWING!!!

Hard to believe that Monday was another check up day for the neck; a day, I have to admit I was nervous about.

In my last message, April 5th, I mentioned the realization of the lack of neck pain; well it didn't last long.
On April 9th I awoke from a wonderful sleep, got up and stretched my arms up for a morning wake up stretch and something popped in my neck and oh did it sting. A huge rush of fear swept over me; fear that I had done something to re-injure the surgical site; a fear that was almost overwhelming. I actually yelled at God saying "NO, NO, this can't be happening again!" Yep, I was truly upset, angry, scared, and in pain yet again. The pain and weakness that I had just been released from was back and my mood really took a nose dive. I was at the point where all I could do was cry and ask the Lord why; for the first time in the two years since the accident, I was really scared.
While praying, a few days later, the Lord impressed on me to pray for a miracle; so I asked my Bible study friends to please pray for a miracle; that was on a Wednesday and by Thursday the pain in my neck had subsided---miracle??? I can't say for sure, but I can say that the searing hot pain stopped again AND the following Monday my ex-rays showed over half of the transplanted bone cell area had new, dense growth and the other half new signs of growth. That to me was/is miraculous; considering it's the first sign of growth since July of 2008.
Yep, you guessed it, I've been praising and thanking the Lord every since I saw the ex-ray! What a reminder for me to pray specifically!! I'm here Lord with a more attentive ear to hear!

I'm now asking for specific prayer for my right shoulder; it's still frozen even though I've had two full months of physical therapy. I have had some form of therapy at least three times a week plus the work I do on my own at home with some resulting loosening of scar tissue, but still not enough to bring my arm behind my back---I have little if any medial rotation----not good.

My surgeons believe the nerve damage from my neck injury is contributing to the shoulder problem---the nerves are not relaying the correct messages to the muscles of the arm resulting in atrophy and weakness. I have until April 28th to correct this problem or I will have to have a mini surgery to release the adhesion's and scar tissue; my prayer is for a total release of this problem area by April 27th. I would appreciate your prayers for yet another miracle.

The journey continues and I continue to learn new things about myself and about my Lord---looking forward thankfully each and every day.

Thanks to you all for your love and continued prayers; they both mean so very much to me.



Monday, April 5, 2010

It's been a few weeks without much change in my healing process, but I can say after last week, I do feel improvement in the intensity of the pain in my neck :) PTL!!

After having pain for so long you forget what it's like not to have pain, then suddenly, one day things seem different!
Last week seemed to be the week of noticeable change; less pain, more sleep, more energy during the day and less muscle fatigue in the neck. Lots to be thankful for!

The new activity level with therapists has really improved my overall state of mind; making forward progress finally feels very good. I've been stepping up my activity level at home as well as with therapists; isometrics for the neck, some great meyofascial work, and adding five pounds to my shoulder workout. I never would have imagined I'd be thrilled to be lifting five pounds, but I really am super thrilled about it and very sore after my workout! Crazy when you consider I was pulling 150 pounds just before my accident.

The reality is that I still have a long way to go to be physically strong, but I'm thankful to be moving forward. I still have a couple of challenges; one, bone growth in the transplant area and this is just a matter of waiting and watching for another month---not much I can do to help this other than be very gentle with the body and continue stimulating the bone cells with my fancy Bone Cell Stimulation Collar. (I really feel like I'm in a Star Trek episode everytime I put it on :))

The other challenge/goal that I'm working on is breaking the adhesion's in my right shoulder; it's a bit frozen and my doc has given me one more month to break the adhesion's through physical therapy. If I can't accomplish this by April 29th he'll be looking at other options, most likely he'll break them under anesthesia----needless to say, I'm working really hard to make this happen so I don't have to have another in patient procedure. As much as I love my doc, I would really rather not have another session in his operating room.

On with the journey with great joy and thankfulness! Thank you for your continued prayer for bone cell growth and safety as my activity level increases-----by God's grace I can pray for His will in this journey. PTL

Monday, March 22, 2010

Six Week Report

Today was a much anticipated day for me; I was so excited to return to my doc for the second ex-ray after my neck surgery, thinking two months had passed---OOPS!!! big goof on my part, it's only been six weeks since surgery-----hmmmm, it really feels like it's been much longer :)

To make a long story short, the ex-rays didn't look any different than they did six weeks ago in terms of growth of the transplanted bone cells. Yes, a bit of a disappointment for me, but as my surgeon reminded, it's only been six weeks! We'll give it another month and see how things look then. He's trying so hard to be encouraging and yet cautiously optimistic.

He did increase my weight limit to ten pounds and is allowing me to get back to the gym for some lower body work; treadmill, light weights for the legs, and possibly some kick boarding in the pool. This is all good and will hopefully help pull off some of the excess weight I've accumulated over the past twenty months of inactivity. Yippee, now that's good news for a gym rat like me :) I love the gym!!!

One area of immediate concern is the lose of range of motion and strength in my right shoulder. I had a major shoulder reconstruction the end of November and found out that I would have to have another neck surgery just two days before the shoulder surgery. Because of the complications involving the neck I couldn't go through the full range of physical therapy for my shoulder, then had no PT for three weeks after the neck surgery----yep, you guessed it, now there are a lot of adhesion's that need to be encouraged to let go and all of this work has to been done very carefully so not to disturb the healing process of the neck. SIGH............ nothing has been uncomplicated yet so I guess I shouldn't be surprised by this development either. It just keeps me humble, slow, and learning more about patience and appreciating all the body parts that work so well.

I'm truly learning to be thankful in all circumstances, even for a difficult shoulder because I have been blessed by such wonderful therapists that I would not have known otherwise---so see, there are good things in everything and I'm thankful that God placed these wonderful people in my life! I am truly thankful for all they do to help me heal and grow strong. So if you think of it, please send up a prayer of thankfulness for all those who are part of my healing team----they are not only making me stronger physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well; God knew I would need each and everyone of them and I am filled with gratitude for His provision. I am a blessed woman!

So with all of that said, tomorrow begins a new physical therapy regime and I'll continue trusting the Lord in this healing process, knowing that His plan for this process is the perfect plan and the bone cell healing is in His control.

Thanks so much for all of your prayers and love; they are so appreciated.

God is our/my refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore, I will not fear......The Lord Almighty is with us/me.
Psalms 46: 1-2 & 7

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Collar Therapy

It's been about three weeks since my last post and in those three weeks I've been doing a lot of resting, healing, visiting doc's and having lots of physical therapy. It seems like all I do is things for myself; very weird but necessary at this point.

I had mentioned seeing my surgeon and how wonderful the ex-rays looked in my last post; what a praise to be able to have this type of surgery----truly amazing work that only a few years ago was unheard of. Wow! I have had an overwhelming sense of gratitude lately; how blessed I am to have the luxury of such wonderful medical care when so many have nothing. It just makes me more determined to take good care of myself to show my thankfulness.

A couple more praises to offer; at the last post I was having a great deal of nerve pain in my right arm and hand, so much so I finally had to succumb to taking Neurontin, a serious nerve inhibiting drug. I had not wanted to be on any other drugs, but ended up taking it for about three weeks. It immediately stopped the intense pain but after three weeks the rest of my body just couldn't tolerate it any longer. Now that I've been off of it for six days, I feel much better and the nerve pain has gone down to a point that I can tolerate---big praise no drugs in my system.

Another praise is the fitting for an Electric Bone Cell Stimulating collar yesterday. Yep, this is cutting edge stuff that's being used on high risk patients to help stimulate bone cell transplant growth. I have to wear it for four hours each day for six months and I have to say I do look rather "Star Trekish" when I wear it :) It's not terribly uncomfortable and not painful at the time of use; I found the surgical site to be sore and inflamed today, but I'm just sure that's because all of those lovely transplant cells were just so stimulated they were dancing around and are a bit sore today. Can't you just envision the cells being zapped into growth compliance? Too funny!

I am learning to be a very quiet person---unbelievable I know, but true and so necessary for this type of healing. I'm enjoying new activities, lots of reading, Bible studies, music, and just being still. I'm really learning to listen to God more and more and I have to admit it's been pretty nice just spending lots of time with Him and learning that this new season in my life has great merit and I need to embrace it fully to receive the full measure of understanding. It's not easy every day, but it's becoming more and more of a place I'm delighting in instead of struggling in. Hmmmm, do ya think there might be a lesson in here somewhere??? :)

Next Tuesday will be the two month mark since surgery and I'll be having another ex-ray to see if there's any new growth. I'm excited to see the ex-ray, but also trying not to expect too much; I'm at that stage where I'm feeling pretty good and ready to be normal---the dangerous place when re-injury occurs-----I just need to remember that I don't heal normally in this area so I need to be patient and know that this could take up to a year to be stable enough to begin living a normal life-style. I will be happy with what we see and move forward accordingly---after all, it's not my timing, it's God's and I'm finding that His plans seem to be much better than mine in the long run :)

Our inner happiness depends not on what we experience but on the degree of our gratitude to God, whatever the experience. Albert Schweitzer

Thursday, February 25, 2010

First Post Op Appointment

Yesterday Brian drove me to Issaquah for my first, of what I'm sure will be many, post op appointment with my surgeon. I have to admit I was very excited to go to this appointment to see the ex-ray of the work he'd done and I wasn't disappointed with what I saw. It totally amazes me every time I see what has been used inside my body to help correct structural problems that only ten years ago wouldn't have been possible----it's just mind boggling the skill my surgeon has and I'm so thankful for the gifts and talents he's been given AND for the visual I have of how stable my neck looks with all the pretty plates and screws. The picture proves he's done his job well and now it's up to me to be conservative and do all I can to help promote healing. That means I have to be reallllllllly good and be patient with the healing process and not push.

I'm still dealing with nerve pain in my right arm and hand that's pretty painful, caused by the pressure that was placed on the nerves for the past twenty months. Nerve damage can take years to resolve so this pain will be addressed with nerve quieting drugs in the hope that the nerves can rest and heal.

I will be on a very conservative activity level for many months that will increase only after there is evidence of good bone cell growth stabilizing the surgical site. I'll be fitted for an electrical bone stimulation collar in the next two weeks or so to encourage the bone cells that have been implanted to grow; I'm praying for vigorous growth :)

I have a five pound weight limit for lifting and no physical strengthening activities, twisting, jumping, running etc. until further notice. This is where the challenge comes in for me, remembering I'm not as strong as I think I am :) My new mantra is, " no lifting, no physical work, nothing that harms". I'm actually excited about this new life style; sort of a challenge that I know I can step up to and be successful at. Once an athlete, always an athlete, striving for improvement, just as a much lower level now.

I have been cleared for driving on the Island and short distances, passive physical therapy, and I no longer need to wear the stabilizing collar; so good progress in moving forward.

I'm so very thankful for the good progress being made and will continue to keep all in the loop as I progress.

I'm filled with praise and thanksgiving for all the Lord has blessed me with these past twenty months; it's truly been an amazing journey and I have no doubt there will many more praises to come as the journey continues.

God puts each fresh morning, each new chance of life, into our hands as a gift to see what we will do with it.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

First day out

What a beautiful Saturday on Whidbey Island; bright with sunshine and lovely signs of spring evidenced in the arrival of daffodils, crocus, and flowering cherry trees. Yep, my first day out of the house since February 9th and oh how I enjoyed the surrounding beauty; when you've not been outside for a while you do appreciate God's creation even more.

As many of you know, I believe it's important to take care of the body so today I met with my massage therapist to help rid the after affects of being on an operating table, the anesthesia and narcotics from my muscle tissue. A massage just really helps after lying around like a toad on a log for a week and oh did it feel good to have nurturing hands work out the knots and toxins. Needless to say, I'm came home after and was a major log sitting toad; I actually slept for three hours, awwwww, heaven on earth.

I am progressing very well, lying low, listening to my body and the still small voice in my head that keeps reminding me to "do nothing". Strange but true, I'm listening to that voice being a model patient; I want to heal well this time and if it means doing nothing for awhile, so be it.

Brian returned from Alaska after a week of business there; he was glad to come home and find that I had been so well cared for; thanks to all who checked in on me, spent time with me, and basically filled the gap for us. We are so grateful for each and everyone of you.

A quiet morning with a loving God puts the events of the upcoming day into proper perspective.

And what a wonderful day it was today!!!