Monday, March 22, 2010

Six Week Report

Today was a much anticipated day for me; I was so excited to return to my doc for the second ex-ray after my neck surgery, thinking two months had passed---OOPS!!! big goof on my part, it's only been six weeks since surgery-----hmmmm, it really feels like it's been much longer :)

To make a long story short, the ex-rays didn't look any different than they did six weeks ago in terms of growth of the transplanted bone cells. Yes, a bit of a disappointment for me, but as my surgeon reminded, it's only been six weeks! We'll give it another month and see how things look then. He's trying so hard to be encouraging and yet cautiously optimistic.

He did increase my weight limit to ten pounds and is allowing me to get back to the gym for some lower body work; treadmill, light weights for the legs, and possibly some kick boarding in the pool. This is all good and will hopefully help pull off some of the excess weight I've accumulated over the past twenty months of inactivity. Yippee, now that's good news for a gym rat like me :) I love the gym!!!

One area of immediate concern is the lose of range of motion and strength in my right shoulder. I had a major shoulder reconstruction the end of November and found out that I would have to have another neck surgery just two days before the shoulder surgery. Because of the complications involving the neck I couldn't go through the full range of physical therapy for my shoulder, then had no PT for three weeks after the neck surgery----yep, you guessed it, now there are a lot of adhesion's that need to be encouraged to let go and all of this work has to been done very carefully so not to disturb the healing process of the neck. SIGH............ nothing has been uncomplicated yet so I guess I shouldn't be surprised by this development either. It just keeps me humble, slow, and learning more about patience and appreciating all the body parts that work so well.

I'm truly learning to be thankful in all circumstances, even for a difficult shoulder because I have been blessed by such wonderful therapists that I would not have known otherwise---so see, there are good things in everything and I'm thankful that God placed these wonderful people in my life! I am truly thankful for all they do to help me heal and grow strong. So if you think of it, please send up a prayer of thankfulness for all those who are part of my healing team----they are not only making me stronger physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well; God knew I would need each and everyone of them and I am filled with gratitude for His provision. I am a blessed woman!

So with all of that said, tomorrow begins a new physical therapy regime and I'll continue trusting the Lord in this healing process, knowing that His plan for this process is the perfect plan and the bone cell healing is in His control.

Thanks so much for all of your prayers and love; they are so appreciated.

God is our/my refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore, I will not fear......The Lord Almighty is with us/me.
Psalms 46: 1-2 & 7

1 comment:

  1. Loving you and praying that your PT went well today. Still believing those little neck-cage-dancers are happy li'l fellas and are merrily healing...just a little slow. Trusting that the slow part means the bonds will be that much stronger, girl! Much love and prayers coming all the way from the SE tippy, tippy tip of the country!
