Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bone Cells Are GROWING!!!

Hard to believe that Monday was another check up day for the neck; a day, I have to admit I was nervous about.

In my last message, April 5th, I mentioned the realization of the lack of neck pain; well it didn't last long.
On April 9th I awoke from a wonderful sleep, got up and stretched my arms up for a morning wake up stretch and something popped in my neck and oh did it sting. A huge rush of fear swept over me; fear that I had done something to re-injure the surgical site; a fear that was almost overwhelming. I actually yelled at God saying "NO, NO, this can't be happening again!" Yep, I was truly upset, angry, scared, and in pain yet again. The pain and weakness that I had just been released from was back and my mood really took a nose dive. I was at the point where all I could do was cry and ask the Lord why; for the first time in the two years since the accident, I was really scared.
While praying, a few days later, the Lord impressed on me to pray for a miracle; so I asked my Bible study friends to please pray for a miracle; that was on a Wednesday and by Thursday the pain in my neck had subsided---miracle??? I can't say for sure, but I can say that the searing hot pain stopped again AND the following Monday my ex-rays showed over half of the transplanted bone cell area had new, dense growth and the other half new signs of growth. That to me was/is miraculous; considering it's the first sign of growth since July of 2008.
Yep, you guessed it, I've been praising and thanking the Lord every since I saw the ex-ray! What a reminder for me to pray specifically!! I'm here Lord with a more attentive ear to hear!

I'm now asking for specific prayer for my right shoulder; it's still frozen even though I've had two full months of physical therapy. I have had some form of therapy at least three times a week plus the work I do on my own at home with some resulting loosening of scar tissue, but still not enough to bring my arm behind my back---I have little if any medial rotation----not good.

My surgeons believe the nerve damage from my neck injury is contributing to the shoulder problem---the nerves are not relaying the correct messages to the muscles of the arm resulting in atrophy and weakness. I have until April 28th to correct this problem or I will have to have a mini surgery to release the adhesion's and scar tissue; my prayer is for a total release of this problem area by April 27th. I would appreciate your prayers for yet another miracle.

The journey continues and I continue to learn new things about myself and about my Lord---looking forward thankfully each and every day.

Thanks to you all for your love and continued prayers; they both mean so very much to me.



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