Friday, June 4, 2010

Bone Cells still growing --slowly---but growing!

It's hard to believe another six weeks has gone by and it was time for another bone cell check up today.

I have to admit that I was not looking forward to going today because I was afraid things weren't going well due to the increased pain at the surgical site and increased nerve pain in the arms and neck since my last visit.

Your mind plays nasty tapes when you have pain and with my track record for poor healing I was less than optimistic, fearing cell death and even worse, another ruptured disc. My pain levels had really escalated to the point where I had to start taking pain medication again---- BUT!!!! , this time the pain is NOT related to any of the above!!! PTL The doc's not sure why my pain is up, but he is guessing that my increased activity is moving the screws and plates where the bone cells are not very dense yet. The cells are accumulating on one side of neck, moving right to left so the left side is weaker and allows for more compression on the nerves causing pain. He also believes some of the nerve issues are related to scar tissue forming around the nerve openings in the bone. Makes sense to me after seeing the ex-rays----well, at least it is something to be encouraged about; nothing serious, just "growing pains"! (couldn't resist the pun---sorry :))

So the plan now is to continue to be careful with activity but to pick up work with my arms to help break up the scar tissue and to add some nerve relief with a nerve quieting drug. As most of you know I'm not crazy about taking any drug, but I don't seem to have any alternatives after trying everything else to make them happy.

All in all it was a good report.....the best one I've had in two years!! PTL for small miracles! I'm thankful for all my medical team has and is doing to help me and for all of you who are my prayer warriors! I am a blessed woman!